"Good water, good life; poor water, poor life; no water, no life" Sir Peter Blake

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Washing Day!

Today is washing day!  It has been loading up in bags and today I was determined to see the floor again, so off we went to Westhaven to hog the laundry room.  There are no facilities here in the Viaduct, apart from public toilets, so for showers and laundry we have 24 hour access to a laundry/shower room which is about 7 minutes drive from the Viaduct.  It is convenient in some ways, but not in others.  When it's raining, it's definitely not convenient, but it is a good excuse to get off the boat and somewhere different.   Quite often we co-inside it with shopping, reading books to the kids going for a scoot on the scooters.  They also are my 'swap-a-book' library depot, which is quite good seeing as though I've managed to read about 15 or so books since we've been here!  (I know, my mother will be shocked!)  We have made many friends since doing laundry there, including the security staff who often chat to the kids.

So after my 4 loads of washing, and the dryers being occupied by other loads, I decided to display in all my glory what my washing consisted of today!  So here is the photo of the very colourful Mazuran of the Viaduct!

The security staff even helped me carry the bags down from the van and told me that my clothesline was VERY IMPRESSIVE!

(I did however find another yacht with sheets hanging off their shrouds, so I felt it was quite fitting to follow suit of course!)

 Blake testing the strength of the lines

 Maybe following in Barbara Kendall's footsteps??? Windsurfing the jib lines....

Washing Day!


  1. Very impressive decoration, really suits Mazuran. Like it a lot, if you'd told me about the laundry I'd have postponed my Auckland departure just to see it.

    1. oops should've pressed reply instead of posting a comment..that's what too much sun does.... ;-)

  2. Ha ha...thanks Pavel! ..Nothing like having your washing sun dried. I'll be doing the same this afternoon (not quite so much laundry) after our 4 day escape ....so watch this space for more photos ;-) It's just soooo hot it's drying everything including the fruit!

    1. :) tell me about hot, we're now in Bangkok and the temperatures here barely drop below 30 °C during the night. Miss Auckland and NZ a lot though ... already knitting plans to go back :)

      Looking forward to any new photos to "return" the the spot again. Really like your camera eye - the photos from your family gathering (sorry to hear about the passings) are again very nice. Do you post-process?
