This morning the kids had a great science lesson in the kitchen with a Anna who has been making cheese this week in the fridge.
She kindly said the kids could join in with her next batch of cheese making!
So first we got introduced to "Kevin", the well fed kefir culture. We were informed about the process in which he ferments and how it is important to feed him or he will turn sour.
Anna introduces the kids to "Kevin" for the first time, he has been feeding for a while and ready to be used
Whangarei, November 2016 |
Freya tipping in the well fed "Kevin" into layers of colanders and cloths.
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Blake finding "Kevin" again!,
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Separating "Kevin"from the curd and whey. Kevin will be then ready to go back to sleep once Freya makes his new bed
Whangarei, November 2016 |
Making "Kevin's" new bed and food for the next 24 hours in a dark place
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Trying to place "Kevin" gently back into his own bottle ready for a good snooze
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Apparently this is Blake's way of gently rocking "Kevin" to sleep
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Kevin being put to bed by Blake
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Blake keeps peeking to make sure he's asleep.
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The whey gets discarded (or used for other cooking), and the curd kept to drain,
Whangarei, November 2016 |
In the meantime the "cheese" is put in the fridge to drain and harden.
This could be as many as 2 days away before it's ready to eat. YUM!
Whangarei, November 2016 |
Thank you Anna for a delightful cheese making lesson with SO many questions!!! You have such an amazing patience both with cheese and children!
And the next day........ the flavours get added and the sampling begins....YUM!