"Good water, good life; poor water, poor life; no water, no life" Sir Peter Blake

Monday, June 15, 2015

blue heron visit

When we hear a giant "thud" on the boat we often will find it is a Blue Heron that has made the sound.  They are very timid and will re-arrange their heads to all sorts of positions to see where any noise is coming from.  This one let us watch it for about 15 minutes!

Blue Heron keeping an eye on us also - in "short" mode, Gulf Harbour Marina

Blue Heron keeping an eye on us also - in "tall" mode, Gulf Harbour Marina

Thursday, June 11, 2015

pluto on board

Kids wanted a dog... I told them it had to be small

Blake's loom band Pluto, with 2 hours of concentration to make it, both Freya and Blake
did exceptionally well!

Monday, June 08, 2015

hot water bottle recycling

What to do when your ancient hot water bottle starts to perish? 

Well, I asked the kids for a few suggestions and we came up with this and thought it was a good idea-

.....The pot mat..... (or trivet as it's sometimes called- even though a correct trivet will have 3 or more legs to which to stand the pot on)...  but who needs legs for your trivet!  It's just more to store!

Step 1: Cut around the edges of the sides of the hot water bottle and you get two mats out of each bottle!
What a deal!
The finished pot mat!
Blake's thought making a snorkel out of the offcuts was also a great idea.  I told him he
might have to do some trials before he tries to sell them.....